School Meals
The cook runs the school kitchen together with her team of staff. They prepare children's meals daily on the premises. Each week a new menu is served which gives children a choice between hot meals, sandwiches and salad and a choice of dessert.
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to universal free school meals. For children in Nursery and Year 3 to Year 6, school meals cost £2.10 per day. Please note that one weeks' notice is required to change from sandwiches to school meals and vice versa.
If you think your child may be entitled to Free School Meals, it is important to apply by ringing 0161 909 6508 between 8:00am and 6:30pm Monday to Friday or visit Pendleton Gateway at 1 Broadwalk, Pendleton. This will also ensure your entitlement to free school milk is recorded. Follow the link on this page for more information.
Parents who would rather send their child to school with a packed lunch are welcome to do so. We encourage lunch boxes to be healthy and balanced and should not contain sweets and chocolate.
Children can receive school milk if you wish them to have it. This is still provided free of charge to the under 5s. Once your child reaches their fifth birthday you will be expected to make a termly contribution to pay for their milk. You will be sent a letter in advance of each new term asking you if you would like your child to have milk and detailing the cost for that term. If your child is registered for Free School Meals you do not have to pay for the milk, but you still need to return the request form.
The only drinks allowed in school are plain or flavoured (if your child won't drink plain) water. All children are encouraged to drink water during the day. We encourage you to send a plastic bottle of water from home each day. This is particularly necessary in the summer months and on PE days.
Children can only bring vegetables or fruit into school as a snack. If your child is aged four to six, they are entitled to receive a free piece of fruit or vegetable each school day through the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme. This provides one of their 5 A DAY portions, and the scheme also helps to increase awareness of the importance of eating fruit and vegetables, encouraging healthy eating habits that can be carried into later life.
Before School Club
We have a Before School Club which starts at 7:45am. This is supervised by school staff. The Before School Club costs £3:00 for each child.
After School Club
At Summerville Primary School we offer a range of after school clubs. Clubs allow the children to interact with children from across the school and have lots of fun at the same time. All after school clubs finish at 4:15pm. Clubs are charged at £3.00 a child and full list of the different clubs is available from the school office.