Our uniform is an important outward sign of pride in belonging to Summerville Primary School.
- White polo shirt
- Royal blue cardigan or sweatshirt
- Tailored grey or black trousers or skirt
During warmer weather children may wear blue gingham dresses/grey or black shorts.
For health and safety reasons children must change their clothing for PE. We provide each child with a bag to keep their PE kit in which stays in school until the holiday when it should be taken home to be washed.
- Plain white T-Shirt
- Plain black shorts
- Black plimsolls
Trainers and tracksuits may be worn for outdoor PE lessons during cold weather
PE bags, book bags, cardigans, sweatshirts, fleece jackets and polo shirts embroidered with the school's name may be bought from Mal's Schoolwear at Salford Precinct. Although plain items in school colours bought elsewhere are also acceptable.
Please ensure all your child's clothing is clearly labelled with their name and class.