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Governance Page Header
Governance Page Header


Role of the Governors 

Being a school Governor is a very rewarding job. It gives you the opportunity to have a say in the development of the school. As a Governor you will also be involved and aware of the latest developments in the way that children are being educated. 

There is a team of Governors at Summerville, including a teacher Governor, parent Governors and Local Education Authority (LEA) Governors. The term of office is 4 years and an election process is adopted to ensure all candidates are given a fair chance. We have a SEND and a Safeguarding Link Governor who work closely with the school as well as Governors who are linked to key areas of our School Development Plan in order to challenge and support us.

The Governing Body meets in full 3 times per academic year as do our sub-committees who oversee Finance and School Buildings and School Effectiveness.

What do governors do? 
  • Promote high standards
  • Act as a critical friend
  • Set targets for pupil achievement Appoint the head and deputy
  • Assist with managing the school's budget Discuss current curriculum issues
  • Have involvement in devising action plans 


Current Governors
Previous Governors
Name Type/Role Term of Office Responsibilities  Committees
Joanne Jordan Headteacher Ex Officio   School Effectiveness, Pupil Welfare & Parents Resources
Gail McNally (Chair) Co-opted 18.05.22 - 17.05.26 Safeguarding Governor School Effectiveness, Pupil Welfare & Parents Resources
Joanne Derbyshire (Vice Chair) Co-opted 01.11.22 - 31.10.26   School Effectiveness, Pupil Welfare & Parents Resources
Michelle Duval Co-opted 25.11.20 - 24.11.24 Chair of Resources
Pupil Premium Governor
School Effectiveness, Pupil Welfare & Parents Resources
Carly Cahill Staff 05.11.22 - 04.11.26   School Effectiveness, Pupil Welfare & Parents Resources
Sharma Sultan Parent 11.03.20 - 10.03.24   School Effectiveness, Pupil Welfare & Parents Resources
Omair Sattar Parent 13.06.23 - 12.06.27 Health & Safety
School Effectiveness, Pupil Welfare & Parents Resources
Catherine Garratt Co-opted 12.07.23 - 11.07.27 SEND School Effectiveness, Pupil Welfare & Parents Resources
Chrissie Leach Co-opted 29.11.23 - 28.11.27 Attendance School Effectiveness, Pupil Welfare & Parents Resources
Name Type/Role Term of Office
Grace O Reilly Parent Governor  03.01.18 - 02.01.22
Judith Hardman Co-opted Governor 10.12.19 - resigned 01.03.22
Dianne Ogg Co-opted Governor 07.03.18 - 06.03.22
Anna Simmons Co-opted Governor 01.05.22 - resigned 24.9.22
Hana Ahmed Staff Governor 27.02.21 - resigned 31.10.22
J. Angus Co-opted Governor 25.04. 22 - resigned 20.1.23
Vanessa Fowler Parent Governor  03.01.22 - resigned 17.5.23

Governor Attendance at Meetings 

Full Governing Body Attendance at Meetings 2022 - 23

Name 12.10.22 8.2.23 17.5.23
J Jordan Y Y Y
M Duval Y Y Y
G McNally Y Y A
S Sultan N Y Y
V Fowler Y A NA
H Ahmed A NA NA
J Derbyshire NA Y Y
O Sattar NA NA NA
C Garrett NA NA NA
C Cahill NA NA Y
A Simmons NA NA NA
J Angus A NA NA

Key: Y - Attended Meeting, A - Apologies sent and accepted, N - Did not attend, X - Not a member of the committee, NA - Term of office ended or not started 

School Effectiveness, Pupil Welfare and Parents Committee Attendance at Meetings 2022 - 23

Name 07.12.22 22.03.23 12.07.23
J.Jordan Y Y Y
M. Duval N Y A
G. McNally Y Y Y
J. Derbyshire A Y A
C. Garrett NA NA Y
O. Sattar NA NA Y
S. Sultan Y Y Y
H. Ahmed NA NA NA
A. Simmons NA NA NA
C. Cahill A Y Y
V. Fowler Y N NA
J. Angus A NA NA

Key: Y - Attended Meeting, A - Apologies sent and accepted, N - Did not attend, X - Not a member of the committee, NA - Term of office ended or not started 

Resource Committee Attendance at Meetings 2022 - 23

Name 30.11.23 15.03.23 2.06.23
J. Jordan Y Y Y
M. Duval Y A Y
G. McNally Y Y Y
J. Derbyshire Y Y Y
O. Sattar NA NA Y
S. Sultan Y Y Y
C. Cahill A A Y
V. Fowler A N NA
A.Simmons NA NA NA
C. Garrett NA NA NA
H. Ahmed NA NA NA
J. Angus Y NA NA

Key: Y - Attended Meeting, A - Apologies sent and accepted, N - Did not attend, X - Not a member of the committee, NA - Term of office ended or not started